Since I was twenty, I began to be more conscious about my search for Yoga, the truth about who I am. Movement was my door to spirituality and Indian classical dance Bharata Natyam was my first clear answer to my search since the narrative is always about the longing of the hero, or heroine, to reunite with the source. The practice of yoga grew simultaneously, first as a genuine support to prepare my body to dance, and as I went deeper into the practice, Yoga became a path to contemplate my thoughts. I then turned towards the form I found myself resonating with the most, Ashtanga Yoga.
In 2019 I completed a two years apprenticeship with Laruga Glaser and David Fredriksson and I am now so happy to continue expanding my understanding of this practice being part of the team teaching at the Mysore program at Yogayama Östermalm, in Stockholm, under the guidance of David and Laruga.
An extension to the practice is teaching and children are such a great vessel, absorbing new knowledge that connect them to the core of their creativity and unique expression. In order to introduce them to movement with intention and meaning, I use tools that highly inspire me to connect to the peace ever present; the power of sound of mantras, hand gestures or mudras and drishti, the intention and focus of the gaze. The class is dynamic, creative and contemplative so as to encourage the children to expand and focus, move and rest.
Jag har nog yogat sedan barnsben, utan att jag själv satt epitetet yoga på det. När jag i vuxen ålder […]
Jag kom i kontakt med yoga för ett par år sedan och redan från start blev min yogaträning oerhört viktig […]
Efter avslutade gymnasiestudier präglades de följande 15 åren av att kringresandes mestadels på egen hand, nyfiket utforska världen och olika […]
Guy first encountered yoga in an academic setting, specialising in Indian religions and Buddhism, while studying for a theology degree. […]
In 2012 Ted stepped onto a yoga mat for the second time in his life and that was a defining […]
Våra apprentice lärare går Mysoreprogrammets Apprenticeprogram. De utbildar sig kontinuerligt under vår Ashtangalärare och Mysoreansvarig Laruga Glaser.
Sofie Ringsten är idag en av Sveriges ledande Yin Yoga lärare och utbildare. Hon har sedan flera år utbildat yogautövare […]
Sara began her professional journey as a classical musician, studying for 6 years at schools such as Malmö Music College […]
Ratheesh Mani har arbetat på Yogayama sedan 2005 och undervisar Yin yoga och Hatha yoga på Yogayama.