Muscles That Move the Scapula – Elearning
Anatomy for Asana
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Introduction to the Course
About this course
1 lektion, 1 prov
Components of Joints
Components of Joints 1
Components of Joints 2
Components of Joints 3
3 lektioner, 3 prov
Introduction to Muscle Function
Introduction to Muscle Function 1
Introduction to Muscle Function 2
Introduction to Muscle Function 3
3 lektioner, 3 prov
Muscle Roles and Types of Contraction
Muscle Roles and Types of Contraction 1
Muscle Roles and Types of Contraction 2
Muscle Roles and Types of Contraction 3
3 lektioner, 3 prov
Transforming the Body with Asana
Transforming the Body with Asana 1
Transforming the Body with Asana 2
Transforming the Body with Asana 3
3 lektioner, 3 prov
The Language of Anatomy
The Benefit of Knowing Anatomical Terminology
Terms That Describe Location
The Sagittal Plane of Movement
The Coronal Plane of Movement
Introduction to the Three Planes of Movement
The Transverse Plane of Movement
Knowing the Difference Between Position, Movement, and Effort
7 lektioner, 7 prov
The Vertebral Column and Thorax
The Vertebral Column and Thorax 1
The Vertebral Column and Thorax 2
The Vertebral Column and Thorax 3
3 lektioner, 3 prov
The Pelvis, Hips and Sacroiliac
The Pelvis, Hips and Sacroiliac 1
The Pelvis, Hips and Sacroiliac 2
The Pelvis, Hips and Sacroiliac 3
3 lektioner, 3 prov
Core Musculature and Function
Core Musculature and Function 1
Core Musculature and Function 2
2 lektioner, 2 prov
The Hips / Spine Relationship in Asana
The Hips / Spine Relationship in Asana 1
The Hips / Spine Relationship in Asana 2
2 lektioner, 2 prov
The Shoulders
Landmarks of the Scapulae
Scapulothoracic Movement
Muscles That Move the Scapula
Structure and Movement of the Glenohumeral Joint 1
Structure and Movement of the Glenohumeral Joint 2
Muscles that Move the Glenohumeral Joint
The Rotator Cuff 1
The Rotator Cuff 2
The Shoulder Girdle, Scapulohumeral Rhythm, and Shoulder Movement
The Risk of Abnormal Scapulothoracic Function
10 lektioner, 10 prov
The Arms and Hands
Structure and Function of the Elbow
Elbow Shapes and Asana
Structure and Function of the Wrists and Hands
Strategies for Healthy Wrists
4 lektioner, 4 prov
The Legs and Feet
Structure and Function of the Knees
Strategies for Healthy Knees
Structure and Function of the Feet and Ankles
3 lektioner, 3 prov
Other Systems of the Body
The Nervous System
The Cardiovascular System
The Respiratory System
The Lymphatic System
The Endocrine System
5 lektioner, 5 prov
Dealing with Injury and Special Conditions
Some Common Types of Injury and Special Conditions 1
Some Common Types of Injury and Special Conditions 2
Injuries to Specific Parts of the Body 1
Injuries to Specific Parts of the Body 2
Talking to Students About Injuries and Special Conditions
5 lektioner, 5 prov
The Shoulders
Muscles That Move the Scapula
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