Year Course, Stockholm

Schedule 2018/2019

  • Block 1
    Introduction to Ayurveda Sep 22 - 23, 2018
  • Block 2
    The Doshas – Vata, Pitta, Kapha Oct 12 - 14, 2018
  • Block 3
    Ayurvedic physiology Nov 9 - 11, 2018
  • Block 4
    Clinical examination and pulse examination Dec 1 - 2, 2018
  • Block 5
    Pulse reading, nail and tongue diagnosis Jan 12 - 13, 2019
  • Block 6
    Ayurvedic philosophy Feb 9 - 10, 2019
  • Block 7
    Ayurvedic anatomy and introduction to clinical practice March 16 - 17, 2019
  • Block 8
    Clinical practice, digestive health and restoring balance April 6 - 7, 2019
  • Block 9
    Clinical practice, digestive health (part II) and Ayurvedic herbology May 11 - 12, 2019
  • Block 10
    Clinical practice, head, respiration and Ayurvedic herbology (part II) June 1 -2, 2019
  • Block 11
    Clinical practice, women’s health, healthy thyroid and Ayurvedic herbology (part III) Aug 24 - 25, 2019
  • Block 12
    Clinical practice, healthy weight (part II), healthy skin and perfect sleep, Ayurvedic detox and Ayurvedic herbology (part IV) Sept 7 - 8, 2019

Information meetings

Registration or questions?



PRICE 35 000 SEK

In the amount the admission fee of 2000 SEK is included, which is paid upon registration. The remaining fee is paid by invoice at least 30 days before the first lecture. The admission fee is not repaid in case of cancellation by the participant.


Yogayama collaborates with Human Finans, which offers interest-free funding for this education, with installments up to 12 months. You can also pay off for longer periods at interest. Mandatory credit review. Please contact them via the link above.


Pay for the Education in Ayurveda course in full 6 months before the start date and receive a 2000 SEK discount!  With the Early Bird discount, the total price of the training is 33 000 SEK including the non-refundable 2000 SEK application fee.


If you need accommodation during any of our workshops or courses we cooperate with two hotels in the Stockholm area that offer discounted prices for Yogayama students.

For workshops and courses at Yogayama Jungfrugatan:
Nordic Choice Hotels,
0771 – 666 70 00.
Please let the staff at the hotel know that you would like to use the Yogayama company deal (företagsavtal) for your booking.

For workshops and courses at Yogayama Sjöstaden:
Motel L, Hammarby Allè 41,
08 – 4090 26 00
Motel L offer 11-18% discount depending on how early you book.
Username: YOGA. Password: AVTAL2016.
When you are making your reservation the option of breakfast will be offered, this you do not need to book since breakfast is included for Yogayama students.


Contact Us

Yogayama Varberg

Contact Us

Yogayama Yoga Kendra

Contact Us

Yogayama Östermalm

Jungfrugatan 8
114 44 Stockholm

08-660 88 60



Det finns bara en yoga. I augusti lanserar vi våra egna Yogayama klasser, som är utvecklade och framtagna av Yogayamas internationella yogateam.

Vi har inte skapat en ny typ eller stil av yoga, utan en sekvenserad klass som är utformad för att eleverna ska få en djupare upplevelse av yogans helhet. Det ger eleverna möjlighet att växa inte bara i sin fysiska träning utan också att utvecklas mentalt genom pranayama och meditation.

Yogayama är Skandinaviens största yogaskola. Vår målsättning är att skapa en plats för individuell utveckling som inspirerar, stärker och berör. Här ger vi dig utrymme att växa och utvecklas. Vi har ett brett och noga utvalt utbud av klasser, yogalärarutbildningar, workshops, kurser och events. Vi ser fram emot att ta hand om dig på din yogaresa! Mer info kommer i augusti.

Yogaklasserna finns from augusti på Yogayama Östermalm. I våra studios i Norrköping, Göteborg och Sjöstaden kommer klasserna lanseras i början av 2019.

Stäng fönster

Tack för att du prenumererar